The Minor Canon

The Minor Canon is the seven piece project from LA-based Paul Larsen. I am a huge sucker for trumpets, so I immediately loved their debut album No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. Imagine Death Cab, with less emo lyrics, more piano, and a big horn section. Not to mention, it holds a special place in my heart because Paul's manager was the first person to email me about my blog!

Trivia: The album Give Up by The Postal Service was recorded almost entirely at Paul Larsen's house. The movie Heathers was also written at his house (crazy!).

The Minor Canon - It Never Was

RIYL: Death Cab for Cutie, The Postal Service, Hotel Lights, Margot & the Nuclear So & Sos


Anonymous said...

Awesome find! Absolutely positively brilliant.

sarah said...

i just discovered your site and i have to say, it's possibly the best site ever. seriously! only a week ago i was desperate for some new music and i just discovered a whole list of them on your blog. cheers from malaysia!