
Songs in Commercials: Fifth Installment

Some really great songs this time! I had to include the one from the Saab commercial, even thought it's almost a year old... 'Cause not only do I love the song but I love my 10 year old Saab. :)

Nikolai Dunger - Something in the Way (used in Volvo commercial)
Nina Kinert - Through Your Eyes (used in Saab commercial)
Nicole Adkins - Maybe Tonight (used in Old Navy commercial)
Noah & The Whale - 5 Years Time (used in Saturn commercial)
Walter Meego - Forever (used in Heineken commercial)


Jon Wolf said...

Love these posts, please keep them up, happy to see that Walter Meego song get more exposure, and even though I am a little late on her, I am loving Nicole Atkins, thanks again!

Michael Verity said...

Don't watch much telly but I like lists...and bloggers who do their research. Job well done!

May I ask...what's the widget you use for the little album pix in the sidebar?

Music Junkie at Fusion 45