
The Ultimate Bike Mix

I recently purchased a vintage Schwinn road bike which of course leads to my collecting of any and all bike songs. Let me know which ones I am missing!

Dinah Shore - Daisy Bell (Bicycle Built For Two)
Hauschka - Blue Bicycle
Charlene Soraia - Bike
Psapp - Tricycle
Memory Tapes - Bicycle
Queen - Bicycle Race
Robinella - Brand New Key
Shonen Knife - Cycling is Fun
Dukes of the Stratosphere (XTC) - Bike Ride to the Moon
Madness - Riding on my Bike
Fats Domino - Rockin' Bicycle
Darren Hanlon - The Kickstand Song
This is the Kit - With Her Wheels Again
Caroline - Bicycle
Firefox AK - Everytime I Ride My Bike
Amy Correia - The Bike
Oh No, Oh My! - The Bike, Sir
The Plasticines - (Zazie Fait De La) Bicyclette
Katie Melua - Nine Million Bicycles
The Bicycles - BBBicycles
Rosie Thomas - Bicycle Tricycle


areyoulistenin said...

I thought this was a very nice collection. not only are they all about bicycles, but they are great songs too!

oregone said...

turn of the century by the beegees

Lovely said...

I love the songs very much..

Marleen said...

Great idea.. I love cycling!

I have a suggestion.. a Dutch band called "The Gasoline Brothers" very recently recorded a song ("There It Goes") for pro-cycler and current Dutch champion Koos Moerenhout (Team Rabobank). You can download it for free from the band's website:

Anonymous said...


Another one:
Orbit - bicycle song

The Flobots - Handlebars
(not really about bikes but ok)

Anonymous said...

"My White Bicycle" - by Tomorrow.

Brit 60s nugget.

Adele said...

I love your bike mix.

Unknown said...

"Ride My Bike" by Dauerfisch.

Unknown said...

"Bike Boy" by Debbie Harry (formerly of Blondie)

Misty said...

These links don't work but you can dl here: