I recently purchased a vintage Schwinn road bike which of course leads to my collecting of any and all bike songs. Let me know which ones I am missing!
Dinah Shore - Daisy Bell (Bicycle Built For Two)
Hauschka - Blue Bicycle
Charlene Soraia - Bike
Psapp - Tricycle
Memory Tapes - Bicycle
Queen - Bicycle Race
Robinella - Brand New Key
Shonen Knife - Cycling is Fun
Dukes of the Stratosphere (XTC) - Bike Ride to the Moon
Madness - Riding on my Bike
Fats Domino - Rockin' Bicycle
Darren Hanlon - The Kickstand Song
This is the Kit - With Her Wheels Again
Caroline - Bicycle
Firefox AK - Everytime I Ride My Bike
Amy Correia - The Bike
Oh No, Oh My! - The Bike, Sir
The Plasticines - (Zazie Fait De La) Bicyclette
Katie Melua - Nine Million Bicycles
The Bicycles - BBBicycles
Rosie Thomas - Bicycle Tricycle