I've become obsessed with French pop artist Sliimy. Apparently, he received some press a while back for his cover of "Womanizer" but I must have missed it. I don't really know how to describe Sliimy. The first word that comes to mind is "FAB-ulous".
Sliimy - Wake Up (The video is equally amazing)
Sliimy - Womanizer (Britney Spears cover)
RIYL: Alphabeat, Kate Nash, Phoenix, Mika
Hi, Misty! I'm a new (and prob. soon fanatical) reader, James =). I found you while I was desperately searching for the song "The Honey Tree" (freaking LOVE it).
But I had to comment on Sliimy. Fantastic (and fabulous, FABsolutely). Definitely into him and a gaggle of the commercial indie artists. Can't wait for further discoveries!
I should've posted this in my previous comment, but: The second coming of Mika? ^_^ Bring it on.
Nice New Layout, I Like It.
Like the new layout!
Hello there! :) I'm so glad I've stumbled upon your blog, so many great songs! Thank you :)
This hipster makes both my eyes my ears want to bleed.
I have heard of Sliimy for a while...well since his fantastic version of Womaniser!! Although his image could be mistaken as Mika...his music is completely different. I think he is amazing with his quirky accent, a definate breath of fresh air.
Recentley saw him at Hoxon bar and grill and although just him and his guitar man...SOunded Fab!
Rock on sliimy, pass the word everyone should hear. Think Wake up could be one of the songs of this summer.
If you're interested check out my album review at my blog: http://kimmg.wordpress.com/2009/10/26/album-review-sliimy-paint-your-face/
I'm also having a contest soon where we'll be giving away a few of Sliimy's Music Tees. More info about that can be found at my blog too.
Anyone interested in winning a Music Tee copy of his album "Paint Your Face" should come visit my blog's contest post!
My blog is small so you'll definitely have a good chance of winning if you enter. http://kimmg.wordpress.com/2009/11/24/sliimy-music-tee-contest-enter-for-your-chance-to-win/
All the best!
Hi, Misty! I'm a new (and prob. soon fanatical) reader, James =). I found you while I was desperately searching for the song "The Honey Tree" (freaking LOVE it).
But I had to comment on Sliimy. Fantastic (and fabulous, FABsolutely). Definitely into him and a gaggle of the commercial indie
Thanks for the information.
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