
Songs in Commercials, Tenth Installment

Is it just me, or are these marketing folks just getting savvier lately? Maybe they are realizing that they can seem more hip AND save money on licensing fees at the same time, by using these songs by newer artists? Either way, I am constantly hearing more songs that catch my ear during commercial breaks.

Katie Herzig - Two Hearts Are Better Than One (used in Frito-Lay commercial)
The Mostar Diving Club - The Honey Tree (used in Honda Insight commercial)
Dan Deacon - Pink Batman (used in Crayola commercial)
Jupiter One - Countdown (used in Payless Shoe Source commercial)
Leon Jean-Marie - East End Blues (used in Frito-Lay commercial)


kathiemoffat said...

Thank you! I really love these 'songs from commercials' installments. Keep 'em coming.

ashley said...

i would seriously love you if you could find the new song from the walmart commerical.

BigJB said...

I just saw a Sears commercial with a song by The Pernice Brothers "There Goes the Sun"

Lindsay Docherty Photography said...

I'm sure you've answered this before, but where can I go to download some of these?

Misty said...

lindsay, you can just "right click, save as" each song and it should download the mp3 to your computer. :) hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

I really need to know where i can get the song Honey tree by the mostar diving club i love it so much.

Tom said...

I posted the last comment sorry i fogot to put my name.

Misty said...

Tom, just right click, save as on the song title. It's a myspace rip but it still sounds pretty good. :)

Tom said...

Thank you =D

Tom said...

IT worked thank you so much i was looking for it everywhere .

Anonymous said...

Looking for the song in the new Honday ad... the one in the parking garage with the wedding cake. I think the artist is Rabbit! and the song is called either "Together" or "We're All In This Together." Please help!

Anonymous said...

hadn't been around for a while, but was delighted to find you again.

love what you've done with the place.

as always...


Lindsay Docherty Photography said...

Just saw the Prius Harmony ad and ran to look up the song. It's "Let Your Love Flow" by Petra Haden. Don't know where to find it, but may be a song you want to include in the next installment...

TheSeekerSeekingLove said...

i tried to download "honey tree" but it wont work.. see i right click and it saves but i double click to play and it wont.. someone help because i love that song:]