
Songs in Commercials: Fourth Installment

So, this has become a bit of an obsession... I am now intent on finding the song in the Eucerin commercial. I was disappointed to find out that the song in the Quilted Northern commercial was created specifically for the company. Anyway... Life has been very busy lately, and has left little time for my sweet "hi-fi heart" but I did find five more songs recently heard in commercials. Quite a good batch if I must say so myself!

Miss TK & The Revenge- No Biters (used in Clearasil commercial)
The Icicles - La Ti Da (used in Target commercial)
Lights - The Last Thing On My Mind (used in Old Navy commercial)
JuJu Stulbach - Have You Ever Seen The Rain? (used in GE commercial)
Alice Peacock (w/ John Mayer) - Bliss (used in Hershey's Bliss commercial)