[I've been a bad blogger lately, and might continue to be for the next few weeks... But I will resume eventually, I promise!]
Orenda Fink (one half of the defunct Azure Ray) ups the tempo slightly with her new project Art in Manila. By upping the tempo, I mean now it might just make you sleepy as opposed to comatose. Still, this is a lovely album full of girly indie sounds.
Art in Manila -
The Abomination
This album was just released digitally this week, the physical version does not come out until Sept. 4th. I love everything about Ferraby: His Care-Bears-sounding name, the fact that he's a Nashville boy, his Rufus-Wainwright-but-less-over-the-top pretty vocals, his scruffy hobo songwriter look, etc.
Ferraby Lionheart -
Pure Imagination (iTunes Bonus Track / Willy Wonka Cover!)
Moo, You Bloody Choir has been out in Australia for quite some time now, but was just released stateside this week. This Melbourne-based band has been creating melodic dream-pop for over a decade now but still have not received much attention in the U.S. The lead singer is very Jeff Buckley sounding.
Augie March -
The Cold AcreOther honorable mentions for 8.07.07:
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - This is Somewhere (smoky-voiced singer/songwriter)
Okkervil River - The Stage Names (gritty folk/rock)
Magnolia Electric Co. - Sojourner (ambitious box set)
Mirah & Spectratone International - Share This Place (album all about... insects?)
The Brunettes - Structure and Cosmetics (Kiwi indie-pop)